
Some of the projects I've done but mostly work in progress.

HabitHive - Transforming Habits, Changing Lives

HabitHive - Transforming Habits, Changing Lives

Dive into the world of HabitHive, a dynamic platform dedicated to habit transformation and personal growth. With features designed for effortless habit tracking, empowering accountability, and insightful progress analysis, HabitHive is your ultimate companion for setting ambitious goals and achieving them. Join our vibrant community, share experiences, and grow together. This project is a work in progress, showcasing our commitment to developing tools that support your journey towards success.

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QueueCue - Revolutionizing Queue Management

QueueCue - Revolutionizing Queue Management

QueueCue is shaking things up in the world of customer queues, making the old wait-in-line game a thing of the past. With just a QR scan, customers can hop into lines from anywhere, turning wait times into me-time. This cool tool doesn't just make life easier for folks standing in line; it gives businesses the lowdown with smart analytics to make everything run smoother and faster. It's a bold step towards making waiting around a cooler, tech-savvy experience. Still tweaking and improving, QueueCue is all about pushing the envelope in queue management.

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