


Something as a Service builder
Favor Corporation

Welcome to My Website - Meet Avasdream!

Greetings! I'm an individual with a background in Computer Science, embarking on a mission to stretch beyond my familiar boundaries in 2024. Here's a glimpse into my current endeavors:

  • 🎓 Background: Earned a degree in Computer Science, joining the ranks of many in the field.
  • 💻🔐 Current Focus: My efforts are channeled into programming, primarily aimed at simplifying processes through automation and enhancing security within the IT realm.
  • 🚀 My Journey: This platform serves as a conduit for sharing my experiences with you, ranging from automating monotonous tasks to devising innovative solutions that potentially generate income and contribute positively to society.
  • 🎥🌱 New Challenges: Venturing into the world of streaming and content creation marks a significant leap out of my comfort zone, fostering personal and professional growth.
  • ✨🛠 Commitment to Authenticity: My approach is straightforward - no involvement in drop-shipping or peddling hastily assembled courses. My focus is on genuine building and learning experiences.

Join me on this journey, and let's navigate these challenges together!